Always Get to Know Msbjammin' on your own, to gain the Truth about Msbjammin'
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What you are about to read is NOT of your comfort & or your so-called professionalism.
The Knowledge Posted on This Xoticy Branch, from the Root of Goddess Msbjammin'
is for whomever this applies to. So, Read to Gain... to apply to Yourself, for Your Personal Growth. Cause what we Share & are within Goddess Msbjammin', is of our Xperience... & all we have is the Truth to share. The Truth that comes from & touches you, so deep to where if you are a villain, then you'll be able to See, how you're the villains. So, before anyone try's to hide us & or try to cover us up with more lies... Keep in mind that No One is able to dim Goddess Msbjammin's Light... Cause Goddess Msbjammin' Light Can't be Dimmed. So, if you want to get caught & exposed for trying to come against Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & or The Xoticy Brand... That's on You, cause you will Lose. Keep in mind, You're going Against The Universe by trying to go against Goddess Msbjammin, Xoticy & or The Xoticy Brand.
Is NOT, Never was & will Never be in Any competition with Anyone, Brand, Business & or Whatever/Whoever.
We, as in Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand... We mind our Own Purpose. That's why what we Got going on within The Xoticy Brand, is All done & Seen Before Anyone started trying to remix, what Goddess Msbjammin' is & Has Created. Many of People have Secretly & Publicly Studied Goddess Msbjammin' & Has took what they have Studied... & Sold those stolen goods to Many of People. Those people who bought the Stolen Goods, Have Gained that They've Bought, Stolen Goods from Liars, who Came After... & Copied what we got going on within The Xoticy Brand... because of Goddess Msbajmmin'.
How long your Dance Studio been standing, Whom you've worked with/for, How long you been doing whatever, How you look, how long & or Big your hair is, How Many people you were able to deceive with whatever illusion y'all painted... & or Whoever... You Deceived to believing that you were supposed to be who you said you was... Doesn't Matter. What Matters, is Fact that So Many People Tried to do Anything... to try to dim Goddess Msbjammin's Light. So, because of so Many people trying to cover, destroy, hide & Counterfeit, Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand, We wanted to pull you Dance Studio Owners, "Instructors", Dancers & or whatever you call yourself, to the side.... to share this knowledge you with... Because we see y'all trying to come against The Xoticy Brand. 1st y'all went against Goddess Msbjammin' & Now y'all Trying to pull down & hold on to, Goddess Msbjammin', by trying to come against The Xoticy Brand. We See Y'all. Goddess Msbjammin' Represents The Xoticy Brand. Goddess Msbjammin' been standing with The Universe Goddess, Msbjammin' entire Xistence.... So, We Good. Goddess Msbjammin' Got The Xoticy Brand. We Also Gotta Tribe... XA. Goddess Msbjammin' Gained a Whole Tribe. XA Stands on Truth, Authenticity, Originality, Naturalness, Genuine Pure & all other High Frequencies of Goddess Msbjammin'.
So, if you've grouped yourself together to try to come against Goddess Msbjammin, Xoticy & or The Xoticy Brand... Back Yo Entire Ass, The Fuck Up. We are NOT Connected to you. We Didn't want to be & Don't Want to be, That's why we're NOT. So, Stop Trying to Connect Yourself To us... because Y'all Lost. Whoever this is for. NOPE... The Truth is OUT! Everyone See The Truth because They can Feel Goddess Msbjammin' High Frequencies... that Showed them the Truth of whom Goddess Msbjammin' is. The people on This Land, have Gained the Truth from The Universe. So, just incase any of you So-called Dance Studio Owners, Dancers, "Instructors" & or Whomever... Try to come against The Xoticy Brand because You Can Feel Us... & you feeling us made you uncomfortable, to where you feel as if you need to come against us. Make Sure You wasn't lied too about us before you start trying to attack. Make Sure you did your own research of what you saw from us, what you've experienced from us & what you went through with us, because that's we got up in The Xoticy Brand... & if you got Anything of coming against Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand & Trying to take from us, that doesn't have Anything to do with You or anyone else... Then Hmm... You're on that team that Lost. So, just incase... here's some more Knowledge that you'll need to know, before trying to slide yo asses into anything of what we got going on because The Universe protection of Goddess Msbjammin' is Much Power Stronger... because y'all groups of dummies... got larger. Naw, We Not Crazy, Y'all asses just didn't want to get caught & You Did. That's Yo Fault... You should have left us The Entire Fuck Alone. The Universe doesn't play about Goddess Msbajmmin'. The Xoticy Brand does NOT have & never had a Certification Program. Goddess Msbjammin' has always been the Instructor for Xoticy Services since The Xoticy Brand Foundation & Armor was created in 1982 before all you horrible ass counterfeits of Goddess Msbjammin'.... mutha fucka's... popped yo wanna be Goddess Msbjammin' & Xoticy asses the fuck up, playing in people faces with yo lying asses.
Continue by Reading all areas below.
This is Not for all Dance Studios, just the ones who only care about money & being liked... who have exposed themselves of being Rotten hearted.
The Xoticy Brand is NOT Trying to Take over Anything because That's NOT how we operate. As you can see. Dance Studios who's hosting dance classes that is of the likeness of Goddess Msbjammin' & or The Xoticy Brand,
Just to list a Few Questions to ask & answer to yourself... & to those instructors that's apart of why The Universe closed/is closing your dance studio.
The Xoticy Brand is The Foundation of Goddess Msbjammin' Purpose & so Many of You Tried to get in Goddess Msbjammin' Ways... because of your envious & jealously & need to compete. The Xoticy Brand is Not on your low frequencies. We are here to Recharge The Souls on this Land into Newer Levels of Their Greatness, in Goddess Msbjammin' Stylized kind of ways. You had NO Business, Showcasing & or Hosting anything of Any Likeness of Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & or The Xoticy Brand. So, if what is said applies to your actions, stop leading people in the fucked up ways of your mindset & go fix yourself.
So, due to the much disrespect from a lot of people toward Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand... just feeling like they competitive asses.... could just pop they asses up into people Faces... & sell people what they've studied & copied from Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand that Doesn't belong to them. Plus there are So Many people who's teaching Dance Classes who don't even know what the Entire fuck they're doing, to why so many people look a hot ass mess... because of the counterfeit ass instructors... who just lying to people, playing in people faces... all to be feed attention & money that doesn't belong to they lying asses. So many people pretending to be instructors & all they are doing is teaching what came from Goddess Msbajmmin'... Remixed, Horribly. However, Because Goddess Msbjammin' can't be Duplicated, that is why what is copied from Goddess Msbjammin', is Noticeable on every person who Thought.... that they were slick to take they deceiving asses out there & deceive all those people just to be fucking looked at & Exposed for being the pathetic pieces of shits that they are.
So, Because there are SO Many Fake ass Dance Instructors out there, Teaching people what They had No Business of Studying, Copying & Teaching... Anything that belongs to Goddess Msbajmmin', Xoticy & or The Xoticy Brand, is why we need to make ourselves Very Clear to all of you who call yourselves Dance Studio Owners, Instructors/Coaches, Dancers & Choreographers.
Watching Msbjammin' Artistry & Participating in Xoticy & or Msbjammin' Services is for YOUR Personal use Only. Meaning... YOU can NOT teach anyone what you've saw on & or learned in Xoticy/Msbjammin' Services... That includes Anything that comes from & that is of Goddess Msbjammin'. What makes us so Special? Goddess Msbjammin' For whoever that was for.
Goddess Msbjammin' is NOT scouting Dance Instructors during any Xpeditions at any Location. Msbjammin' Dance Studio Instructors are selected from The Msbjammin' Dance Studio Instructor Audition Completion Process. That Knowledge can be found at Xoticy Head of Operations.
We're aware how a lot of you got stuck in an Occult, to where you became an army of pathetic ass liars, to go against Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand... because the people who've been Counterfeiting Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand & Lying to You... Have been Exposed of doing just that. So, because you are now Wanting to reach Newer Levels of Your Greatness... in Xoticy Dance Genres, Stylized kind of ways, to why you're here gaining this knowledge. We needed you to know that You are being shown & gaining, being Taught Goddess Msbjammin' Sequences, for your personal use only.
If you are interested in becoming one of Msbjammin' Performers, Make sure you follow all provided direction to Pre Sign-Up to Audition. That knowledge can be found here on
So, if you are still in low frequencies where you're playing tricks on people & lying to people, to get what you want, to look as if you are who you are NOT... Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand is just NOT for those people with those pathetic ass mindsets, So, if you are one of those people with a pathetic ass mindset, The Universe will make sure that you don't even come to anything dealing with Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & or The Xoticy Brand. We told you.... Whoever is going against Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand is actually going against The Universe.
Goddess Msbjammin' May Scout 0 to a few dancers from The Xoticy Refresh Tour Xpeditions, as an invite for the Msbjammin' Performers Audition. Do Not... Approach Goddess Msbjammin' about being Scouted & or to introduce yourself.... unless asked. We're aware on how Many of you operate for attention & opportunities that's Not yours, due to how you were mentally programmed in that pathetic ass worthless piece of shit.... of a so-called dance industry/community... you've removed yourself from. Congratulations to those of you who came out of her/That Occult & on removing yourself.
So, that you will No longer look a Hot ass, stiff ass, sloppy ass mess... Come be Taught Goddess Msbjammin' Sequences Correctly.... from Goddess Msbjammin' during Xoticy Service Xpeditions.
Participating in Xoticy Services is Not a place to network. You are here to Gain, So You can Grow within yourself.... While Jammin'. No you can NOT group yourself together & Patrice Anything that is shown & or taught to you from Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & or The Xoticy Brand because it's all for Personal Use Only.
If you need to look at anyone & or anything for inspiration... Then you are NOT a True choreographer, You're a Thief, a whole ass fuckin fraud... Who remix what you stole from people and then take that remixed ass stolen shit, into the faces of the people, to play in people faces to lie.... & then you sell that stolen ass shit to all the people yo ass is lying to.
I get it... That's what that pathic ass, dumb ass dance industry has taught so many people... because that's all they know how to do is Lie & Steal... secretly study people, Copying what people are doing, Then go out there and use their "industry" connections to hype they lying asses up... to get the deceived ass people to believe their lies... & when the person they stealing from speaks up.... then they asses group they pathetic asses together to cause more confusion... so that they can try to play victim while selling the stolen goods to everyone whom they've deceived, just to play in people faces even more. They then will say that they were inspired... as if the word inspired has anything to do with copying & stealing when it Doesn't. Just some lying & stealing ass mutha fuckas, playing on people minds &... Causing more confusion all because they hate themselves and is trying so hard to be someone that they asses will Never Fuckin' be.
So, if you are someone who followed the lead of those pathetic pieces of shits, in that fuckin' pathetic ass dance industry... and you started copying people & remixing people & then going out there in the faces of people and saying that You made up what you had to study and copy from someone else, Congratulations, now you can see that you picked up a horrible ass character trait, from some pathetic empty, pieces of shits. Anything that you had to study to learn... is NOT yours.
So, Moving Forward... before anyone calls themselves a choreographer and they are not naturally talented.... then they asses don't need to be showing & or teaching Anything that they had to take from someone else cause a choreographer... they are NOT. Got that? Cool!We're aware how a lot of you got stuck in an Occult, to where you became an army of pathetic ass liars, to go against Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand... because the people who've been Counterfeiting Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand & Lying to You... Have been Exposed of doing just that. So, because you are now Wanting to reach Newer Levels of Your Greatness... in Xoticy Dance Genres, Stylized kind of ways, to why you're here gaining this knowledge. We needed you to know that You are being shown & gaining, being Taught Goddess Msbjammin' Sequences, for your personal use only.
If you are interested in becoming one of Msbjammin' Performers, Make sure you follow all provided direction to Pre Sign-Up to Audition. That knowledge can be found here on
So, if you are still in low frequencies where you're playing tricks on people & lying to people, to get what you want, to look as if you are who you are NOT... Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand is just NOT for those people with those pathetic ass mindsets, So, if you are one of those people with a pathetic ass mindset, The Universe will make sure that you don't even come to anything dealing with Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & or The Xoticy Brand. We told you.... Whoever is going against Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & The Xoticy Brand is actually going against The Universe.
Goddess Msbjammin' May Scout 0 to a few dancers from The Xoticy Refresh Tour Xpeditions, as an invite for the Msbjammin' Performers Audition. Do Not... Approach Goddess Msbjammin' about being Scouted & or to introduce yourself.... unless asked. We're aware on how Many of you operate for attention & opportunities that's Not yours, due to how you were mentally programmed in that pathetic ass worthless piece of shit.... of a so-called dance industry/community... you've removed yourself from. Congratulations to those of you who came out of her/That Occult & on removing yourself.
So, that you will No longer look a Hot ass, stiff ass, sloppy ass mess... Come be Taught Goddess Msbjammin' Sequences Correctly.... from Goddess Msbjammin' during Xoticy Service Xpeditions.
Participating in Xoticy Services is Not a place to network. You are here to Gain, So You can Grow within yourself.... While Jammin'. No you can NOT group yourself together & Patrice Anything that is shown & or taught to you from Goddess Msbjammin', Xoticy & or The Xoticy Brand because it's all for Personal Use Only.
You know how that Dance industry is a big ass lie.... to where people are scripted.... to attend dance classes, concerts, to clap, scream & act as if they like what the "dancer/instructor" or whoever is doing.... Yeah, Deprogram yourself from All that fake ass shit... before you even Pre Sign-Up, Purchase an Intry Admission & Participant in Xoticy Services, because we're Authentic up here in Xoticy & our focus is Your Mental, Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Growth. Not who's the loudest at being fake. We just needed you to know all of this, so you'll know what you are getting yourself into before you take your first step into Newer Levels of Your Greatness, Rockin' with us Up here in Xoticy Cool? Cool!
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If Anything that Monica Wilson have shared with you, that may have motivated you, uplifted you, assist you to want to be a better you, inspired you to get up & get your dance on & or whatever... Share your Thank you & Appreciations by sending Donations to Monica Wilson, via Cash App $Monbjammin Stay Connected with Xoticy to gain Knowledge about updates on upcoming Xoticy Services, Performances, Events, to inter into our random Raffle & More, so... Inter Your email address. If you are here to just be nosy, don't inter your email address. Thank you for your respect.
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Xoticy® Marketing & Website wording Created by & from Goddess Msbjammin' better known as
Monica Wilson, of Xoticy.
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