Always Get to Know Msbjammin' on your own, to gain the Truth about Msbjammin'
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The Xoticy Tour, is where Goddess Msbjammin' Hostess a few Xoticy Service Xpeditions at Scheduled location's that are all on the Mother Earth.
The Refresh Tour | 2025
Upcoming Location & Dates
Everything you need to know is posted on this Xoticy Branch. Yes, this knowledge is lengthily... because I want you to get to the depth... of what it is, that you need to know about The Refresh Tour, Presented by Xoticy & instructed by Me. So, go ahead & start sliding down to Gain... so that you can continue to Grow, & we can Jam together Cool? Cool!. ~ Goddess Msbjammin' / Monica Denise Wilson
All Material of Xoticy is created from within Goddess Msbjammin' & cannot be shown, taught, & or remixed outside of Goddess Msbjammin'.
Read all Requirements below, to gain what you need to know about The Xoticy Refresh Tour
Participants of Xoticy Services are Mature Souls, who's of the age of 25 years & Wiser. Who's of the Gender, requirements of the schedule Xoticy Services... that are Shown & Instructed by Goddess Msbjammin' For Personal Use Only.
Participants of Xoticy Services Must Read & Follow Xoticy Participant Guidelines, Terms, Conditions, Policies, Waiver & Agreements with No Xceptions.
Participating in Xoticy Services is at the Participant Own Risk.
There are Xoticy flyers that have been posted, that says for 18 years & wiser. However, we've changed our age range from 18 to 25 recently, because our interested participants are of the age range of 25 years of wiser.
The Interested Participants of Xoticy Services Must be able to
The Interested participants of Xoticy Services must be aware of Xoticy Dance Genre's...
The Interested participants of Xoticy Services must NOT be disruptive... in Any ways, during Xoticy Services, during Check-in's & when the participants are Exiting the Xoticy Service Xpeditions & exiting the locations. The Interested Participants of Xoticy Services are...
Bystanders, Guest wanting to wait in the lobby & Parking Lot Pumping are NOT allowed. So don't Do it or try to do it... Period!
Interested Participants of Xoticy Services must complete or update the required Xoticy® Service Forms, in order to Participate in Xoticy® Services. No Exceptions.
Pre-Sign-Up Form
Interested Participants Must Print, Completed & Bring the Xoticy Pre-Sign-Up Form, to the location on their purchased, Xoticy Tour Card Intry Admission receipt.
Arrival Form
Once the interested participants arrive, the interested participants, must ask the Xoticy Event Receptionist for an Xoticy Arrival Form. Then the Interested participants is to Complete the Xoticy Arrival Form. Once the interested participants, completes the Xoticy Arrival Form, the interested participants are to provide the following to the Xoticy Event Receptionist.
The Interested Participants personal Knowledge Must match their proof of identification, online Xoticy Account & Have All Xoticy Required Forms, for the complete Xoticy Check-in Process... for the intry into the Xoticy Service Xpedition(s).
Xoticy® Service Xpeditions
The Xoticy Services Admission for the Refresh Tour, is limited per Xpedition... with No waiting list. So, make sure to purchase an Xoticy Tour Card, before the Xpedition(s) Sells Out or before the Admission End Date.
Xoticy® Services Xpeditions are of Msbjammin' Sequences / Artistry / Xoticy Dance Genre's... that comes from within Goddess Msbjammin' Natural ways, of How Msbjammin' Jams & have Fun... For the purpose of Participants who participate in Xoticy Services.... to reach Newer Levels of their Greatness, in The Xoticy Brand Stylized Kind of Ways for Personal Use Only.
Xpeditions Attire
Xoticy Dance Genre's
If you're Not coming to Xoticy Services, to Jam in Xoticy Dance Genre's Stylized kind of ways for your Own personal Growth, then you don't need to be nearby Xoticy Services or Locations.
Goddess Msbjammin' focus is Not on Scouting anyone to be invited to the Msbjammin' Performers Auditions. However, if Goddess Msbjammin' is guided by The Universe to provide selected Participant(s) invitations, then Goddess Msbjammin' will do just that.
The Xoticy Tour Cards are for the Intry, into the Schedule Xoticy Service Xpedition that is posted on the proof of purchase, receipt ... that is
Xoticy® Service Intry Admissions, Expires at the start of the Schedule Xoticy Service Xpedition.
Purchasers who are Participants
Purchasers who are Not participants
Once the Transaction for Xoticy purchases are completed, the completed sale then becomes Final.
Xoticy Tour Cards for The Refresh Tour
Because Goddess Msbjammin' is so Random... The Xoticy Brand decided to add more Randomness to The Xoticy Brand Xpeditions Intry...Admission Prices. The Xoticy Services Xpeditions Admissions, will Randomly change to higher prices, before the schedule Xoticy Services & or Events. Due to The Xoticy Brand... always going Higher in Frequencies & Reaching Newer Levels of our Greatness... so, it only makes sense to keep rising in all areas of Xoticy. So, make sure You purchase an Xoticy Tour Card, for the Intry to participant in The Xoticy Refresh Tour Xpedition's as soon as possible.
Make sure you Purchase the Xoticy Tour Card for the Xpedition(s) & for the location that you want to Gain, Grow & Jam in.
If an Xoticy Service & or Event Cancels
Purchasers will be notified as soon as possible. If... Xoticy Services are to cancel, An Account credit will be placed on the purchaser's, Xoticy online Account, of whom Xperienced the canceled Xoticy Service Xpedition or Event, along with a $80.00 Account credit to use on the next purchase within The Xoticy Brand.
Late Comers / No Shows
There are No account credits given for Late Comers / No Shows, No Xceptions... No Exceptions.
Xoticy Refresh Tour Xpeditions Check-in times, are available on the Xoticy Refresh Tour Itinerary listed below for each schedule Xoticy Service Xpeditions.
Participants of Xoticy Services, must have
Once the Xoticy Service Xpedition has completed, Participants are to leave the Studio
if they are not attending the following Xoticy Service Xpeditions. If participants are attending the following Xoticy Service Xpeditions.. Participants are to wait in the lobby to eat their lunch & Stretch .
Goddess Msbjammin' & or The Xoticy Event Receptionists are Not... available for interviewing before, during & or after the Xoticy Refresh Tour Xpeditions... Not even during breaks. If the Participating Participant's, are interested in asking Goddess Msbjammin' a question... then the participant's... can email their questions', in hopes of Goddess Msbjammin' selecting their question's to answer. Goddess Msbjammin' is random & will answer the selected questions throughout the Xoticy Service Xpeditions. To send in a question Click Here
25%, 30% or 35% Code Flyer
After the completed Xoticy Service Xpedition, The Participants of Xoticy Services will receive a Flyer on how to receive & redeem their 25%, 30% or 35% off Code, to use on their 2nd Xoticy Service Xpedition Purchase.
If you are a returning participant who have completed their 1st Xoticy Service Xpedition & have already received a flyer,, we ask that you reframe from receiving another flyer.
If you're a New Participant of Xoticy Services & The Universe referred you to Msbjammin'/ Xoticy or you were referred by an Active Participant of Xoticy Services... Provide Your full name or the Active Participant full name who referred You, when completing the Xoticy Pre-Sign-up form.
Perks are applied to the provided names Xoticy accounts(s) within 14 days after the New participant, completes their 1st Xoticy Service Xpedition.
Returning Participant
If you've referred someone... & they've Applied Your Full Name on their Pre-Sign-Up Form, Then You and the New Participant will receive a 25% off Code to use on Your Next Xoticy, Get You Some Boutique single, Total Purchase.
New Participant
If The Universe referred You, then apply your full name on the Xoticy Pre-Sign-Up Form & you'll receive a $50.00 Account credit to use on your 3rd Xoticy Service Xpedition purchase
If you're a Dance Studio who floor, The Xoticy Tour took a Slide on
& The Xoticy Brand & Goddess Msbjammin' receives a Smooth & Peaceful Dance Studio Rental Xperience during the Refresh Tour, from the Staff at the Dance Studio... The Dance Studio Owner will receive one... of each of the Xoticy Tour Cards, to keep 1 & give the other 2 to two people who wants to Jam in Xoticy Kind of Goodness, for their personal use only.
Due to Goddess Msbjammin' Traveling with The Xoticy Refresh Tour & is limited on carried items... We ask that you do Not bring Any items to provide to Goddess Msbjammin' as gifts, due Travel restrictions.
Stretching with Xoticy is Msbjammin' Unique Stretching Stylize & Techniques, that is perfect for participants of Xoticy Services who Needs & Wants to stretch their bodies to prepare themselves to jam in Xoticy Dance Genre's Kind of Ways, for personal use only... in a 1-hour session, for All Dance Levels instructed by Goddess Msbjammin'.
Let's Get It! Heels Xpedition is for participants who are born women/living as a woman... who likes to be challenged & instructed in Jammin' in one of Xoticy Dance Genre's, Sequences Kind of ways, for personal use only... that glides participants of Xoticy Services, into a newer level of their greatness, while jammin' in a Pair of their P
Let's Get It! Heels Xpedition is for participants who are born women/living as a woman... who likes to be challenged & instructed in Jammin' in one of Xoticy Dance Genre's, Sequences Kind of ways, for personal use only... that glides participants of Xoticy Services, into a newer level of their greatness, while jammin' in a Pair of their Personal Supportive, Non-platform, non-peep toe High Heels, who are at Advance/Professional Dance Levels... Instructed by Goddess Msbjammin'.
Performance Ready Xpedition is for participants of Xoticy Services who is comfortable with being challenged, who Want to move their bodies in one of Xoticy Dance Genre's Randomness kind of ways for personal use only, at Intermediate / Advance/Pro/Professional Levels.... Instructed by Goddess Msbjammin'.
Xoticy Xpedition is for participants of Xoticy Services who are born women, 35 years & wiser... who are comfortable within themselves, being challenged, who's cool with sliding on floors, who Want... to jam in Xoticy 1 of A Kind, Signature Floor Techniques & Unique Sensual Sequence Stylized Kind of Ways, for personal use only for particip
Xoticy Xpedition is for participants of Xoticy Services who are born women, 35 years & wiser... who are comfortable within themselves, being challenged, who's cool with sliding on floors, who Want... to jam in Xoticy 1 of A Kind, Signature Floor Techniques & Unique Sensual Sequence Stylized Kind of Ways, for personal use only for participants who are of Zero to all Dance Levels.... Instructed by Goddess Msbjammin'
Just in case you didn't watch this video & or you need another look at the Vibes & dance levels of a few of Xoticy Dance Genre's that will be taught, during the Xoticy Refresh Tour... So, Press Play if you need another look at Goddess Msbjammin' Freestyling / Playing Around in those Xoticy Dance Genre's.
The Background Sound is Sold Separately.
Arrival Attire
Xoticy Service Attire Requirements
Stretching with Xoticy
Participants are to wear clothing that is comfortable & stretchy along with a pair of
Xpedition Attire
Let's Get it! Heels Xpedition Attire
Performance Ready Xpedition Attire
Xoticy Xpedition Attire
What To Bring
Xoticy® Merchandise is out of stock at the moment & will return Shortly. However, You'll welcome to make a Pre-Order purchase... & once the items are available... the items will be shipped to you. All Xoticy Merchandise are Sold from Xoticy from So, if you want to place your pre-order today, you can do so by sliding to the Get You Some Boutique here on
Xoticy® Refresh Tour Itinerary may very pre location. Participants of Xoticy Services Must be Completely Checked-In, within the provided times, before Intry.
Xoticy Participant Guidelines, Terms, Conditions, Policies, Waiver & Agreements Apply.
All Dance Levels
Born Women & Born Men
25 years & Wiser
Check-In - 6:30am - 7:50am
Xpedition - 8:00am - 9:00am
Advance - Pro Levels
Born Women Only
25 years & Wiser
Check-In - 9:00am - 10:20am
Xpedition - 10:30am - 12:30pm
Intermediate /Advance /Pro
Born Women & Born Men
25 years & Wiser
Check-In - 1:30pm - 2:50pm
Xpedition - 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Zero -All Levels
Born Women Only
35 year & Wiser
Check-In - 6:00pm - 7:20pm
Xpedition - 7:30pm - 9:30pm
The Xoticy Tour Cards Randomly rises in price, before the given End Date approaches. The Admissions for each location, starts at the starting price point of the Xoticy Tour Card,
Start Price Points
Xoticy® Services Purchases are to be Completed Here on Only.
Increase Dates
Purchase your intry admission early... before prices randomly rises. It's not every day you can full-joy a moment with Goddess Msbjammin'... an actual Anointed Prophet, who has the power to heal you from her frequencies, Motivate & Uplift you, speak life into you, provide you with such feel so goodness, while teaching you Xoticy Dance Genre's, 1 of a kind Stylized Sequences... for your personal use/to even show off to your special someone, in the privacy of your own home. Don't miss out on these life-changing Xperiences within The Xoticy Brand with Goddess Msbjammin' during the Xoticy upcoming Services. Limited Space per Xpedition.
Stretching the body is important & stretching the body to Jam in Msbjammin' Stylized kind of ways for personal use only, is even more important.
Stretching with Xoticy Card, is for the Admission for 1 (single/Solo) Participant intry, into the Stretching with Xoticy Xpedition at the scheduled location.
The purchaser will receive 60 Sp
Stretching the body is important & stretching the body to Jam in Msbjammin' Stylized kind of ways for personal use only, is even more important.
Stretching with Xoticy Card, is for the Admission for 1 (single/Solo) Participant intry, into the Stretching with Xoticy Xpedition at the scheduled location.
The purchaser will receive 60 Sparkly Rewards Points with this Xoticy Tour Card Purchase.
Only You can Pop Your Xoticy Cherry, by being Taught by Xoticy Instructor Goddess Msbjammin', for the purpose to Gain, Grow & Jam in Xoticy Dance Genres, Kind of Ways for personal use only.
Xoticy Cherry Popper Card, is for the Admission for 1 (single/Solo) Participant intry, into the one Xpedition at the scheduled location.
Only You can Pop Your Xoticy Cherry, by being Taught by Xoticy Instructor Goddess Msbjammin', for the purpose to Gain, Grow & Jam in Xoticy Dance Genres, Kind of Ways for personal use only.
Xoticy Cherry Popper Card, is for the Admission for 1 (single/Solo) Participant intry, into the one Xpedition at the scheduled location.
Once the participant completes the selected Xpedition, the participant will receive a 25% off code to apply to their 2nd Xoticy Service Xpedition Purchase. As well as 250 Sparkly Rewards Points with this Xoticy Tour Card Purchase.
We know how you feel on How we be Jammin' & Sliding on the Floors is Our Xoticy Kind of Ways, that Feels So Good. So, Yeah... go ahead & Purchase this Xoticy I Gotta Jam Card, because You Gotta Jam... So, Come Jam.
Xoticy® I Gotta Jam Card is for the Admission for 1 (single/Solo) Participant intry, into the two Xpeditions at the sc
We know how you feel on How we be Jammin' & Sliding on the Floors is Our Xoticy Kind of Ways, that Feels So Good. So, Yeah... go ahead & Purchase this Xoticy I Gotta Jam Card, because You Gotta Jam... So, Come Jam.
Xoticy® I Gotta Jam Card is for the Admission for 1 (single/Solo) Participant intry, into the two Xpeditions at the scheduled location.
Once the participant completes the selected Xpedition, the participant will receive a 30% off code to apply to their 2nd Xoticy Service Xpedition Purchase. As well as 500 Sparkly Rewards Points with this Xoticy Tour Card Purchase. Card Purchase.
Being Xoticy® Refreshed... is a Feeling You'll Never want to leave, So, that's Why Msbjammin' is providing You, with All this Xoticy Refresh-ness. So, because you Want a Xoticy Refresher to feed your Soul, The Xoticy Refresh Card awaits you.
Xoticy® Refresh Card, is for the Admission for 1 (single/Solo) Participant intry, into the
Being Xoticy® Refreshed... is a Feeling You'll Never want to leave, So, that's Why Msbjammin' is providing You, with All this Xoticy Refresh-ness. So, because you Want a Xoticy Refresher to feed your Soul, The Xoticy Refresh Card awaits you.
Xoticy® Refresh Card, is for the Admission for 1 (single/Solo) Participant intry, into the three Xpeditions at the scheduled location.
Women 25 years & Wiser
Once the participant completes the selected Xpedition, the participant will receive a 35% off code to apply to their 2nd Xoticy Service Xpedition Purchase. As well as 750 Sparkly Rewards Points with this Xoticy Tour Card Purchase.
Purchase Xoticy Tour Cards, for
Xoticy Refresh Tour Xpeditions, Before the provided End Dates.
Upcoming Tour Locations are added randomly, So Subscribe to stay updated.
Locations are Provided to the Purchaser up to 25 days before the scheduled Xoticy Service Xpedition(s).
Admission End Date 4.18.2025
The Interested Participants Must Print, Complete and Bring this Xoticy Pre-Sign-Up Form, to the scheduled Xoticy Service Xpedition, to Check-In. This Xoticy Pre-Sign-Up Form is only available online, here on & is Not available to be printed at any locations.
Make sure you Send us your location request, so The Xoticy Refresh Tour can possibly Slide your way... So, you can Gain, Grow & Jam in Xoticy Dance Genre's, Feel So Good, High Frequencies Kind of ways.
We like to Host Xoticy Services at Random Dance Studios to Feed the selected Locations Some funds, in The Xoticy Brand Helping the selected Dance Studios Goddesss Msbjammin' selects... to assist on Keeping Their doors Open by Renting out their Dance Studio Space. So, if your Dance Studio Want to be fed some Xoticy Lovin' & Xoticy High frequencies... & your Dance Studio meets our Dance Studio Rental Requirements, Email Your Dance Studio Details so, we can see.... what's up.
Copyright © 1979-2025 - All Rights Reserved.
Xoticy® Participant Guidelines, Terms, Conditions, Policies, Waiver & Agreements Apply.
Xoticy® Marketing & Website wording Created by & from Goddess Msbjammin' better known as
Monica Wilson, of Xoticy.
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